It is our intention to make our pre-school genuinely accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. In order to accomplish this we arrange our waiting list according to availability of places with priority being given to applications received first.
We usually have one intake each year in September with any subsequent vacancies filled in the following January from our waiting list. Upon receipt of an application form a child's name is placed on the waiting list and parents will be informed when there is a vacancy.
Education providers are required to compose and keep under review information about their services available for children with special educational needs (SEN). This is called their 'Local Offer'. If prospective parents would like to see Langley's Local Offer please contact us.
Sessions and Fees
Our pre-school is open Tuesday to Fridays for children over the age of two but below school age. We offer two sessions a day 9 - 12 and 12.30 - 3.30pm. We are currently open for two sessions each day so children can stay on for both sessions (and pay a small fee) and bring a packed lunch to eat or go home for lunch and return. We are open for 38 weeks a year.
All three and four year old children are entitled to a funded nursery education place from the term following their third birthday. This is called Universal Funding. The dates below shows when children become eligible; these are national term dates and are regardless of when pre-school term dates actually start or finish. Childcare providers may decide on the pattern of delivery for the free entitlement period and ours is 9.00-12.00 or 12.30-3.30 – each session 3 hours.
If your child is born between: they are eligible for a free place from:
1st April and 31st August 1st September following their third birthday
1st September and 31st December 1st January following their third birthday
1st Jan and 31st March 1st April following their third birthday
Where funding is not received for eligible children, full fees apply. For current fee details please contact us. Any parent in financial hardship can approach the pre-school leader in strict confidence. Should a child be withdrawn 6 weeks notice must be given. Without this notice parents will be liable for the full fees due for the notice period.
2 Year Old funding
Some 2 year olds may be eligible for funding. Please see to check eligibility for 2 year old funding and inform the pre-school leader or managers if you qualify.
30 hours funding
Some 3 and 4 year old children may be eligible for an extra 15 hours of free childcare a week and this is called Extended Funding. You can find out more about this at
Tuesday 3rd September - Friday 18th October
Half term 21st Oct - 5th Nov
Tuesday 2nd November - Friday 20th December
Tuesday 7th January - Friday 14th February
Half term 17th - 21st February
Tuesday 25th February - Friday 4th April
Tuesday 22nd April - Friday 23rd May
Bank holidays Monday 5th & 26th May
Half term 26th May - 30th May
Tuesday 3rd June - Friday 18th July